What is LandSim?

An interactive program developed by Golder Associates on behalf of the Environment Agency, LandSim uses Monte Carlo probabilistic performance assessment models constructed for new and existing landfill sites.

The model essentially tracks leachate production, chemistry, migration and leakage through engineered and non-engineered structures, followed by leachate migration through the unsaturated zone to assess the ultimate impact on the aquifer.

LandSim 2.5 is supported on Windows XP and earlier Windows operating systems but has not been tested on Windows 7, 8 or 10.

An accompanying Distance Learning Package for LandSim 2.5 comprising audio lectures and self-study workshops is also available.


Chapter 1 of the LandSim 2 Manual (PDF Format)

Demonstration copy of LandSim 2.5

Distance Learning Course content

Copy of the Agency's R&D Summary

Printable Order form

Other Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Water Balance and Source Term Decline

LandSim and Windows

LandSim has not been designed for Windows Vista or later.

If Windows Vista or later is being used a patch for WinHelp may be required from Microsoft to access the help files. Click on the following link to access help on this subject or search for "error in opening help" in your browser. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/917607/error-opening-help-in-windows-based-programs-feature-not-included-or-help-not-supported

For further information about LandSim, contact landsim@golder.com

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